Too Good to Transfer
Have you ever been too good to transfer?
As in, you were such an asset to the department you were in, it was difficult for your manager to let you go.
I've seen this happen on so many occassions. Surprisingly, it was never a secret.
Some managers would prefer to give that employee an incentive to stay. This was a more positive scenario.
There are some that never communicated their unwillingness to let go for the individual, it simply seemed that they were never chosen for the position.
Hasa this ever happened to you?
I actually forgot about my experience until asking someone about theres.
The manager I had made it clear that she didn't want to lose me, but honored my wishes. She did end up having to hire two people to replace my productivity.
Blocking someone from succeeding and growing for self interest is unfathomable.
Has this ever happened to you?